De Koperen Hoogte - The Netherlands
De Koperen Hoogte - The Netherlands
Carpet Creations was asked to make a custom carpet with logos and Latin words of a total of 180 M2 for the Conference Room “De Heerenkamer” of “De Koperen Hoogte”. The old water tower has been converted into a luxury restaurant that with a circulating top and with entertainment such as shopping and golf.
Hotel Freund - Germany
Hotel Freund - Germany
Carpet Creations made a carpet of felt pebbles for the relax area of Hotel Freund.
The pebbles of felt reduce the noise to a minimum. This makes the room calm and relaxed.

Tweede kamer - The Netherlands
Tweede kamer - The Netherlands
As a result of the project “Vredespaleis”, Carpet Creations was asked to make a new runner for the staircase in ‘de Tweede Kamer”. After the renovation of the staircase, of course, they needed an new runner on the stairs.

Vredespaleis - The Netherlands
Vredespaleis - The Netherlands
from a 100 years old carpet, an exact replica was made. The pattern was carefully checked, and all the knots where counted. The wool was dyed in the exact colours of the old carpet. Because all the steps had a different shape, each step had to be individually knotted. While fitting the carpet on the stair we knotted all the steps together. With a brilliant result.